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Editing and Upgrading Your Network Specification

Editing Your Network Spec

  1. Login to the OnFinality Portal

  2. Navigate to the Networks > Network Specifications and click on your Network

You can now update any section including docker image versions, launch arguments, and recommended node/storage size. Read more about adding new image versions.

Upgrade Launch Configuration

  1. Scroll down and select the node type that you wish to update Launch Configuration for

  2. Press Edit

  3. Update the node size or storage size

  4. Press Save

Updated Launch Configuration recommendations will only be applied to newly created nodes.

Upgrade Launch Arguments

  1. Scroll down and select the node type that you wish to update Launch Arguments for

  2. Press Edit

  3. Make the required changes

  4. Press Save

Dedicated Nodes which differ from the new network arguments will be prompted to update their arguments.

For more information on Launch Arguments, view the Dedicated Node Launch Arguments and Register a Network on OnFinality pages

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