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OnFinality Indexer Service Pricing

Extremely cost effective pricing for unmatched reliability

Pay for only what you need with low pricing that gives you control of your deployments. Each paid plan enjoy’s OnFinality’s proven reliability of 99.9% uptime.

Please note that our prices are quoted on a monthly basis to make it easier to understand, but we meter and bill usage on an hourly basis. This page converts between the two by assuming there is 730 hours in each month (which means your actual bill can be lower)


You can find values for all of the four factors in the Usage Center broken down by each project. This can help you forecast and understand your cost structure for each project.

Four factors affect the hourly charge that you will receive for running a project deployment in OnFinality (either SubQuery Projects or Subgraphs):

  1. Compute unit costs: The base cost of running the indexer project per deployment hour.

  2. Additional Compute Units: The number of additional vCPUs running across all your projects.

  3. Additional Chain Support: The number of chains supported for each project.

  4. Entities Stored: The amount of data stored (in terms of number of entities saved into the database.

All of these are denoted in terms of deployment hours, which is each hour (or part thereof) used to run a single project deployment. For example, if you have 10 projects running, you will be charged 10*730 = 7,300 deployment hours per month.

Deployment hours are charged for the staging slot as well, so if you have two projects deployed, and one of those projects has both a staging and production slot running, you will be charged 3*730=2,190 deployment hours.

If you only run a project for 5 days of the month, you will only charged for those 5 days, so 24*5=120 deployment hours.


For the Standard plan, the current charges as of 8th January 2025 are as follows:

  • Base Deployment Hourly Price: US$0.08 per deployment hour

  • Additional Chains Hourly Price: US$0.07 per deployment hour

  • Additional Compute Unit Hourly Price: US$0.07 per deployment hour

  • Storage Entities Hourly Price:

    • First 500k storage entities free

    • After the first 500k and up to 10,000,000 stored entities, $0.00479 per 100,000 entities per deployment hour

      • Roughly equates to ~$3.5 per 100,000 stored entities per month

    • After 10,000,000 (10M) stored entities, $0.00137 per 100,000 entities per deployment hour

      • Roughly equates to ~$1 per 100,000 entities per month

The detailed calculation for the per hour deployment cost of any given project deployment is equal to the following function

const getPricePerDeploymentHour = (
  storedEntities: number,
  countNodeWorkers: number,
  countChains: number
): number => {
    const basePrice = 0.08;
    const storedEntitesInHundredThousands = storedEntities / 100000;
    const storedEntityPrice = Math.min(Math.max(Math.ceil(storedEntitesInHundredThousands - 5), 0), 95) * 0.00479 + Math.max(Math.ceil(storedEntitesInHundredThousands - 100), 0) * 0.00137;
    const extraComputePrice = Math.max((countNodeWorkers - 1 * countChains),0) * 0.07;
    const extraChainsPrice = (countChains - 1) * 0.07;
    return basePrice + storedEntityPrice + extraComputePrice + extraChainsPrice;

Additional Factors

Additional Compute Units

On paid plans, you can scale up or down the compute (vCPUs and worker threads) assigned to each project deployment in real-time. This control allows you to assign more compute to your project during initial indexing to boost speed, and then reduce indexing compute once the project has caught up, lowering cost.

Each additional compute unit will be charged per deployment hour, and can be controlled independently for each chain on multi-chain projects. We give you a free compute unit for each project, and then charge you for all additional compute units running across all your projects for each deployment hour.

So if you have a project with 5 compute units assigned to it, then you will be charged for 4 additional compute units for each deployment hour.

Additional Chain Support

For multi-chain projects, each new chain requires its own indexer service. We charge for these additional chains for each deployment hour they are active.

Entities Stored

The number of entities stored across all project deployments, tracked per deployment hour. If you delete a project, stored entities are no longer tracked. All entities in a project count toward the project’s usage on a cumulative basis. We bill per 100,000 entities per deployment hour (or part thereof)

If you have 3 active subgraphs that each store 100,000 entities, we account 300,000 entities stored for that deployment hour.

If you begin a period with 2 active projects, each with 250,000 entities, and you delete one of them after 10 days, you use 500,000 billed entities for the first 10 days, then 300,000 billed entities thereafter.

You can find your current stored entities for each project listed in the Usage Center

Billing Examples

Example 1 - Small Single Chain Project

Small single chain project with 300,000 stored entities and only 1 compute unit

  • Base Deployment Hour price: US$0.08

  • Additional Chains Hourly Price: US$0

  • Additional Compute Unit Hourly Price: US$0

  • Storage Entities Hourly Price: US$0 (500k stored entities are given for free)

  • Total price: US$0.08 per deployment hour = ~US$58.4 per month

Example 2 - Medium Single Chain Project

Medium single chain project with 1.5M stored entities and 2 compute units

  • Base Deployment Hour price: US$0.08

  • Additional Chains Hourly Price: US$0

  • Additional Compute Unit Hourly Price: US$0.07 (There is an additional compute unit)

  • Storage Entities Hourly Price:

    • 500k stored entities are given for free

    • 1,500,000 - 500,000 = 1M billable stored entities = US$0.00479 * 10 = US$0.0479

  • Total price: US$0.1979 per deployment hour = ~US$144.47 per month

Example 3 - Medium Multi-chain Project

Medium multi-chain project across 3 networks with 700K entities total

  • Base Deployment Hour price: US$0.08

  • Additional Chains Hourly Price: US$0.14 (There are two additional compute unit)

  • Additional Compute Unit Hourly Price: US$0

  • Storage Entities Hourly Price:

    • 500k stored entities are given for free

    • 700,000 - 500,000 = 200k billable stored entities = US$0.00479 * 2 = US$0.00958

  • Total price: US$0.22958 per deployment hour = US$167.59 per month

Example 4 - Large Single Chain Project

Extra Large single chain project with 20M entities

  • Base Deployment Hour price: US$0.08

  • Additional Chains Hourly Price: US$0.0

  • Additional Compute Unit Hourly Price: US$0

  • Storage Entities Hourly Price:

    • 500k stored entities are given for free

    • 700,000 - 500,000 = 19,500k billable stored entities

    • The first 9,500,000 billable stored entities are charged @ $0.00479 per 100k = $0.45505

    • The remaining 10,000,000 billable stored entities are charged @ $0.00137 per 100k = $0.137

    • The total Storage Entities Hourly Price = US$0.59205

  • Total price: US$0.67205 per deployment hour = US$490.60 per month


What plan is right for me?

The free plan is ideal for those who are just getting started or want to become familiar with how to use OnFinality’s Indexing Service. However, if you are building a dApp that is designed for production use, we recommend the Standard or Partner plan for best user experience so you can leverage the premium features.

Can I pay in Crypto?

In certain cases we can accept payment in crypto, please reach out to us at to discuss more!

How often will I be charged?

If you’re on our Standard Plan you will be charged and receive an email invoice on a weekly basis via Stripe. If you’re on our Partner Plan you will receive an email invoice at the end of each month.

Can I cancel or downgrade my account at any time?

The Standard plan has no lock-in period and you can downgrade back to our Free plan at any time or delete all your OnFinality’s Indexing projects to ensure you won’t be charged.

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